Are You Still On Target For A Secure Retirement?

Published Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at: 7:00 AM EDT

If you've been paying attention to the experts, you dutifully have set aside and invested money to provide income during your retirement years. With those savings earmarked for retirement, and what you can expect to receive from Social Security, pensions, and other sources, you figure to be in good shape. But is it enough?

The conventional wisdom is that you need to replace somewhere between 70% and 80% of your pre-retirement income in order to live comfortably during retirement. However, life expectancies are continuing to increase. For instance, a woman who expects to retire in 20 years at age 67—the current age for receiving full Social Security benefits—now has a life expectancy of more than 20 years after retirement. Your savings may have to last through much of a third decade of retirement.

Fear not. If you haven't retired yet, there's still time to take action. Here are five practical suggestions to consider:

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